A downloadable tool for Windows

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Behold! My gift to annoyed 2d game devs who have an issue with current asset tools!

Frame Boy is a tool all about adding data to 2d animations! It solves 2 key issues specifically for game developers:

  • You can store a bunch of data per frame of your animations similar to a fighting game except you pick the data for your project. For example add damage collision boxes or particle spawn points to any frame you want in an animation!
  • Animations don't need a fixed centre origin/offset/pivot point as we can save that data too. This means we can hand pick where this goes per frame. This will help speed up your asset creation!

You also can store the frames delay time. Your animation frames can store as many rectangles, positions, strings or numbers you like.


Youtube: How To Use

The process for creating an animation set is as follows:

Create Ruleset for the project: This is where you decide what types of data a frame can have. For example you might add a collisionBox group of boxes.

Manage Ruleset: Currently this section is for choosing what type of ruleset to use for the next project you create/load up.

Create Animation Set: Put your spritesheet into the res/frames folder (png only at the moment), then choose Create Animation Set and then select that image and give this set a name.

Add an Animation: Add animations to your animation set. Give it a name and on we go

Add Frames to your Animation: This is best bit, add a frame and then edit all the data you want to see on that animation. Keep adding frames to finish the animation off.

This creates a fdset file in the frames folder which you can read using basic file reading code. To see how to load this data with C++ and SDL2 check out this example: http://hacknslash.mattconcepts.com/cyborg%20battle%209%20run%20around.zip

If you can make a version of this code for libGDX+Java, Monogame, Unity or Game Maker half decently first, then I'll give you $20 as long as I can reference the source code via download here :D

To have a quick browse of the tool, choose the udemy ruleset and load up the udemyCyborg.fdset and have a look at its animations and frames. These are already included with the Frame Boy download.

This is the first version, so feedback is very welcome and necessary!



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Click download now to get access to the following files:

FrameBoy.zip 1.2 MB